Experienced Professionals
We are caregivers who work to help older adults stay connected to their communities while preventing elder abuse and intervening if it occurs. These unsung heroes include family members, Adult Protective Services workers, social service providers, nonprofit victim services organizations, long-term care ombudspersons, law enforcement officers, judges and judicial personnel, legal professionals, health care professionals, and financial professionals.

Sabine Balve
Global Networker / Campaigner
German Humanitarian for a Sustainable World.
Honored to be listed as a Non-Profit Legend for Humanity & Good Citizenship in America.
Comprehensive Reference on Community Service, Pulitzer Prize Book

Michael Bailey
General Manager
Making the World a better Place.
USA / Canadien / Michael Bailey,
described as “One of the foremost Eco-Warriors of our times”
according to Rex Weyler, is a founding member of Greenpeace, along with Paul Watson, Patrick Moore, David McTaggart, and others.
He supervised the original Greenpeace flagship, Rainbow Warrior.

Margot B.
A trusted German Caregiver
For the needs or concerns
of a person with short- or long-term limitations
due to illness, injury, or disability.
We promote compassionate actions designed to generate respect and justice for elderly, disabled or vunerable people and the sustaining of families.
Some of Our Work
Last Will or Testament, What is this? An antiquated term that refers to the document written by a testator that details what is to happen to property and animals owned by that testator upon death. Dying without a will can be costly and eliminate your ability to plan or provide for loved ones.